Help Support
Allenford and Park Head United Church
The word "church" refers to a community not a building. We are a community made up of individuals and families who believe in the work of the Christian Church. We offer our gifts of time, talent, treasure, and, most of all, our prayers in the continuation of Christ's ministry. We invite you to share in uplifting the ministry of our pastoral charge and our congregations.
With your time
Life can busy. But when we set aside time for community amazing things happen. We find our lives enriched by others. We find others help us celebrate the richness of life and offer us support in difficult moments. The gift of time is shared in many ways. We share time when we worship together and support one another. We share time when we sit on church committees and share our wisdom and inspiration. We share time when we volunteer at fundraisers and special events.
With your talents
God gifts us with many wonderful skills and passions. In community we can find our gifts nurtured, encouraged, and valued. Love to sing? Why not join our choirs. Love caring for buildings, landscaping, or fixing things? Why not get in touch and we'll connect you with our Stewards who look after our building? Are you a high school student and need volunteer hours? We can help you with that. Want to share your gift of music, song, dance, why not make it an act of worship and share it during our service?
With your money
Great ministry costs money. Locally we have buildings to upkeep, utilities, and salaries to pay. Financial gifts to local expenses are used carefully and prayerfully in keeping our local ministry alive and well. We are also part of great ministry Nationally and Globally. Gifts to the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church help enrich support the United Church of Canada in its structure and various ministries. These gifts also help important community organizations enriching people's lives in Canada and through our global partners around the world.
If you would like to make a one time or ongoing donation to Allenford or Park Head United Church please place it in our offering plate on Sunday, sign up for PAR (a monthly withdrawal from your bank account), or mail it to us at the address below. Tax receipts will be issued for all financial donations.
Allenford United Church
or Park Head United Church
Box 134
Allenford, ON
N0H 1A0
phone 519 373-4184
You can also financially support our churches through attending one of our fundraisers
In Allenford you can help our church by purchasing gift cards through You can purchase gift cards online or by contacting the office for more inforation. For online orders our invitation code is F4364k
With your prayers and encouragement
Pray with us for our church, for our committees and enrichment groups, for those who worship here, and for our minister. Pray that we may find God's guidance in our worship and work. Share with us words of encouragement and support.
With your time
Life can busy. But when we set aside time for community amazing things happen. We find our lives enriched by others. We find others help us celebrate the richness of life and offer us support in difficult moments. The gift of time is shared in many ways. We share time when we worship together and support one another. We share time when we sit on church committees and share our wisdom and inspiration. We share time when we volunteer at fundraisers and special events.
With your talents
God gifts us with many wonderful skills and passions. In community we can find our gifts nurtured, encouraged, and valued. Love to sing? Why not join our choirs. Love caring for buildings, landscaping, or fixing things? Why not get in touch and we'll connect you with our Stewards who look after our building? Are you a high school student and need volunteer hours? We can help you with that. Want to share your gift of music, song, dance, why not make it an act of worship and share it during our service?
With your money
Great ministry costs money. Locally we have buildings to upkeep, utilities, and salaries to pay. Financial gifts to local expenses are used carefully and prayerfully in keeping our local ministry alive and well. We are also part of great ministry Nationally and Globally. Gifts to the Mission and Service Fund of the United Church help enrich support the United Church of Canada in its structure and various ministries. These gifts also help important community organizations enriching people's lives in Canada and through our global partners around the world.
If you would like to make a one time or ongoing donation to Allenford or Park Head United Church please place it in our offering plate on Sunday, sign up for PAR (a monthly withdrawal from your bank account), or mail it to us at the address below. Tax receipts will be issued for all financial donations.
Allenford United Church
or Park Head United Church
Box 134
Allenford, ON
N0H 1A0
phone 519 373-4184
You can also financially support our churches through attending one of our fundraisers
In Allenford you can help our church by purchasing gift cards through You can purchase gift cards online or by contacting the office for more inforation. For online orders our invitation code is F4364k
With your prayers and encouragement
Pray with us for our church, for our committees and enrichment groups, for those who worship here, and for our minister. Pray that we may find God's guidance in our worship and work. Share with us words of encouragement and support.